Yellow Dock

Yellow Dock

Product Code: yd

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Product Description

Yellow Dock is useful in the treatment of venereal disease, as well as acute or chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract including nasal passages. It has tonic, laxative qualities and is employed as an adjunct therapy in antibacterial treatments.


Tinctures are more readily absorbed by the body and have a high degree of bio-availability. As well, they have a long shelf life.

Sometimes people ask us why tinctures are alcohol-based. There are very good reasons. Alcohol is critically important in the extraction of an herb's medicinal ingredients. It also helps to stabilize and preserve them. Alcohol is the ideal carrier substance, conveying the therapeutic goodness of the herb to the body. In itself, too, science has proven that alcohol enhances the immune system and its defences.

As for the amount of alcohol taken in an average dose of tincture, you’ll be surprised to learn that it’s about the same as what you’d find in an overly ripe banana!

Tinctures remain the most practical way to take advantage of the amazing, health-giving power of herbs.

Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus)
This bottle contains 50 ml.
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